Everything was great. The customer service was very understanding and helpful. Delivered on right time. Totally satisfied
از ایران
با عرض سلام و خسته نباشید به عنوان مشتری به شما کاراکتر آ یا همان نمره بیست خودمان را میدهم. واقعا دستتان درد نکند برای اینهمه نظم و ترتیب و خدمات عالیتان
سال نو و نوروز باستانی را به شما تبریک عرض میکنم
Thank you for providing me an invaluable service. During covid, the postal system was often affected but you have helped me to stay in touch with people I love and ensure they know they are not forgotten. Thank you for everything you have done. This is the best place to find what you need for people you love. Dana x