Yalda Night

 The hospitality of the Iranians and their cheerful spirit from ancient times have caused them to start the winter with a beautiful celebration together. Yalda night has been known as one of the most famous celebrations among Iranian tribes since ancient times. Also nowadays, this night is a good excuse to get together and be happy with all the obsessions we have. Due to the good atmosphere that Yalda night creates among all the people of the country, it has still remained in the Iranian culture from olden times. This night is really important for our Iranians that sometimes people from abroad send Yalda night gifts to Iran for their loved ones.

Happy yalda

How good it is to celebrate this day with our loved ones and relatives. It is like warming the cold weather of the beginning of winter with intimacy and kindness to each other. In this article, we want to define the philosophy of Yalda night and its traditional customs so that we do not miss the Yalda night party with knowledge about it. We also completely guide friends who are living abroad about sending Yalda night gifts to Iran. So, follow us to the end of this article in Shahrekado’s blog. Also, at the end of this article, we have a surprise for you to buy a Yalda night gift from the Shahrekado store.

Historical philosophy of Yalda night

The longest night of the year is Yalda night or the night of Chelleh. The length of this night, a minute or less,  caused this night to be known as the Winter Revolution Celebration. In fact, Yalda is called the distance between the evening of Azar 30th and the dawn of Day 1st. This night has been recognized since 502 BC during the reign of Darius I. at that time, Agriculture was very important to the people. As a result, the factors that changed their agriculture procedure were also important.

As time elapses, people have understood that some days are longer during the year. So considering the positive effect of sunlight on human life, people have seen light as a symbol of mercy that fights against the darkness of night. Gradually, the Aryan tribes realized that the shortest length of the day was the last day of autumn and the first night of winter. They also believed that immediately after that, the length of the day gradually got longer. As a result, this process of natural change was known as an imaginative belief, a victory of good over the devil.

Iranian people believed that darkness and night are infelicitous; Therefore, at the beginning of the longest night of the year, they lit a fire to ward off demonic power. They would gather together and spend the night dancing and talking at night. Yalda night was also known as the night of the birth of the sun god, justice, and covenant. According to two narratives, Yalda night was also called Milad Mehr night, and this is a remnant of the Mehri customs that were very popular and common in the eastern Mediterranean. In addition, the name Dey, the first month of winter, is named based on one of the Mediterranean beliefs.

Yalda night customs

Yalda Night

surely, this event, which has been known among Iranians for a long time, will also have customs and traditions. From time immemorial, they used to spend the night with intimate soirees. Family or friends gather together tonight. They also make intentions, and the old man will take omens for all of them. Also, Those interested in literature and Ferdowsi read Shahnameh, which was one of the most common customs among people in the past. However, the customs of Yalda night are different in different provinces of Iran, and we will get acquainted with some of them in the following. These provinces are:

1) The customs of Yalda Night in Khorasan

In this province, this night is known as the night of chellah or chellaneshini and it is rarely called Yalda. One of their interesting rituals is the night of light. On this night, everyone should bring a light with them when going to a soiree. Due to the large number of lights, people call this custom Candelabrum. Another essential custom of theirs is the preparation of “Kafbikh” sweets, which people consider to be a special mirror of Razavi and South Khorasan.

If you are from Khorasan, you must be familiar with the burying ceremony on this day. Foaming ceremonies begin with a plant root called chubak. After soaking it in water and boiling it, they pour it into a large earthenware dish. People also beat the pomegranate tree with thin bunches of wood to make it foam. Then they mix it with milk and eaten with walnut kernels and pistachios.

2) The customs of Yalda Night in Isfahan

We all have good grandparents who look forward to seeing us on special occasions. In Isfahan, people gather at the stool of their grandparents’ house to show their respect. On this night, they recall their memories of each other. Usually, the elders narrate stories and take Hafiz’s omen or read Shahnameh.

Newlyweds, as usual, have to spend and buy gifts for their spouses. People of Isfahan, divide winter into two parts according to the celebration of Yalda night, “Chelleh” and “Chelleh Kouchak”. Chelleh lasts from the first of Day to the 10th of Bahman, and the small Chelleh lasts until the 30th of Bahman.

3) The customs of Yalda Night in Hamedan

Surely you also know Yalda night by taking Hafiz’s fortune. In Hamedan, they get an interesting omen called a needle omen for each other. Let’s take a look at it;  At first, everyone sits in the same room. Then an old woman sings a poem over and over, and the little girl stitches on an uncut piece of cloth after each poem is finished. Finally, the guests consider the old woman’s poem as their omen according to the order in which they were sitting.

In most families in this city, it is customary for everyone to take some nuts or fruit with them to another house during the celebration. In this way, they will have intimate and longing periods for that night. Also, many people know the people of Hamedan for their warmth and hospitality. It may also be interesting to know that many people send Yalda night gifts to Iran and specifically to this province!

4) The customs of Yalda Night in Lorestan

People from Lorestan, with their sweet accent, have called Yalda night “the first show of the continent”. In addition to Hafiz’s fortune-telling, taking omen Forty cypresses is also common among them. Also, one of the interesting etiquettes that makes them intimate with each other is that they stretch a shawl or tent from the neighbor’s roof and take nuts and fruits from each other. They also sing poems in their own language while picking nuts and fruits.

The people of Lorestan, according to their taste, make a food called wheat syrup, which is soaked in syrup to make it. Then salt and turmeric are added to it and finally, the ingredients are roasted on teak. Almonds, walnuts, raisins, and black beans should also be mixed with it. I suggest you try it.

5) The customs of Yalda Night in Azerbaijan

Is it possible that Azerbaijan does not have a special ritual for Yalda night among all the provinces of the country? When slicing watermelon, the people of Azerbaijan believe that the old person should make the first slice and read the phrase “Qada Bellamizi Bo Gejeh Kasdokh” meaning “we cut our disaster today” at the same time.

Among the delicious dishes of Azerbaijan for Yalda night, we can mention milk soup, qaruqa, and walnut halva. Let’s take a look at one of their interesting customs. Before the sun sets, the father of the bride must send his daughter and bridegroom a package. It contains a slice of watermelon, fruit, nuts, sweets, a piece of shirt with shoes, and a chador.

The similarity of Yalda night in different nations

send cake to Iran

When religions and traditions spread in Europe and the countries under the control of the Roman Empire, before they recognized Christianity; Every year on December 17th, the people of Rome celebrated the banquet called “Saturnia”. The celebration lasted for a week, during this week, people were celebrating the Winter Revolution on December 21th or 22th.

today Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ by fasting and eating special foods together. If you pay a little attention, you will notice that their traditions on that day are similar to our Iranian tradition on Yalda night. In fact, Yalda night and Christmas are an example of common beliefs and opinions between nations that cause communication between people of different nations.

Yalda special food and snacks

Yalda Night

Some people suppose that it is a good celebration if there is good foodstuff. Actually, it is not possible to be a night owl without the delicious food of that night. Just as the customs of each city are different, there are different snacks in each city. So you can also use snacks to send Yalda night gifts to Iran.

In general, it is better to say that snacks such as watermelon, nuts, pomegranate, Fried fish with herb rice, dried fruits, cakes, and noodle soup are for Yalda night. The red color of pomegranate and watermelon was a symbol of sunlight for the ancestors. Interestingly enough, they considered this symbol valuable. Many people in different cities such as Gilan believe that eating watermelon on this day quenches thirst in summer. Also, it can prevent you from getting cold in winter.


Unfortunately, according to the culture that is expanding in today’s society, Yalda night has found another meaning. It is far from intimacy and gathering together. In fact, we can claim that Yalda night has taken on the meaning of luxury. However, we tried to preserve the essence and meaning of this night by explaining the beautiful customs of this night. Many older people are waiting for their grandchildren and children to visit them on this day. Grandparents are definitely happy to see us, so do not give up on them.
In the end, do not forget that Yalda means being together and remembering each other. So make the longest night of the year a pleasant memory for each other by understanding this. All in all, if you are not in Iran, you can easily send the gift of Yalda night to Iran with the help of the Shahrekado store. Also, use the special 10% discount on Yalda night by using the discount code in the photo below.


Sources: persianmama


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