In addition to the application of plants for the aquarium being an art, using them also has scientific reasons. If you desire to use the aquarium for a long time and be astonished by its existence, follow us until the end of this compelling article by Shahrekado. Adding plants to the aquarium has many advantages. Plants bring natural water cleansing, assist to keep your fish healthy, and make a wonderful scene of your aquarium.
Before analyzing aquarium plants, you should contemplate some questions so that you can discover the correct response to them in this content. How light is your aquarium? What kind of hospitalization do you have? What type of fish do you have at this time in your aquarium? How many plants will suit your tank and most mainly, why do you tend to have plants in your aquarium?
Like other cases, researching in this field is very important. Once you have thought about the above questions, you can select the best plants. In this article, you will get acquainted with the major kinds of aquarium plants. We will together look over their functions from A to Z.
The benefits of using aquarium plants
First, before talking about the main subject, we must understand the advantages of using these plants. For this reason, we shortly and effectively introduce three of them. These three are:
1) Making a charming and pleasant appearance in the aquarium
2)Setting up a risk-free and healthy environment for aquatics
3)Producing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide and ammonia
All types of major plants in the aquarium
When you look at a fish-decorated aquarium, the only thing you will notice is that the aquarium has pretty and delightful vegetation. It provides a natural habitat for the fish. But for those who are accustomed to the kinds of aquarium plants, there are three major classifications that we will describe here:
Foreground plants
These aquarium plants require a lot of light, and they have fast growth. So they may cover the surface of the aquarium. That is why it is essential to prune them from time to time. But you can apply herbivorous fish to clear up this difficulty itself. It is worth noting that these plants provide an admirable environment for pregnant fish. These plants effortlessly absorb pollution and destructive substances from the water surface.
In our country, only one kind of this plant is accessible, which is named Azolla Wisteria. It is also entitled celery. Just place a little of this plant in your aquarium to cover the whole surface of the water and make an imaginative and pretty environment for you.
Midground plants
As the name indicates, Midground plants are placed in the middle layer of the aquarium. This kind of plant grows quickly, so it must be under control. This plant also absorbs destructive substances. In addition, the roots of this kind of aquarium plant are not very strong. Moreover, this plant blooms in summer, which has made it much more beautiful and famous. Elodea is accessible in Iran.
Review of Elodea plant
This plant is appropriate for those who have just arranged an aquarium. Because the stems rise rapidly to the size of 40-100 cm and their width reaches 3-5 cm. Also, their storage situations are not problematical.
The growth speed of this plant is considerably dependent on the amount of light and nutrition. This plant requires average and great light. Keep in mind that the growth of this plant will not discontinue in improper situations. But the color of the plant will brighten, and its branches will be thin. This plant is popular for its capability to add oxygen to aquariums. Nowadays, it is still the most well-known aquarium plant and is sold to millions of people around the world annually.
Background plants
This plant is also placed in the lowest part of the aquarium. Similar to the above plants, it is capable to absorb and get rid of hurtful substances. In addition, this plant gathers its minerals from water. The krypton plant, Wallis plant, Ludovigia plant are among these kinds of plants.
Cryptocoryne plant
This plant is comparatively well grown. The stems and leaves of this plant are bitter and for this reason, fish can not nourish from it. This plant requires a little brightness. It brings yellow flowers in winter. The significant thing about this plant is that it can not grow with all kinds of plants. In other words, another plant that you put in the aquarium may not be in harmony with the krypton plant and cause it to smash. This plant is among the most overpriced plants. The country where this plant is abundant in Thailand.
Vallisneria plant
This plant has thin and striped leaves, but there are other kinds of this plant that are not thin. Vallisneria grows quickly in suitable positions, such as strong light. The leaves of this plant change to a bit red in autumn. Its width is between 5-15 cm. But it is remarkable that the difficulty of keeping this plant is average.
Ludwigia plant
This plant is found in North America and its height reaches 20-50 cm. This plant has narrow, light green leaves and grows in a short time. When you are using this kind of plant, make sure that your fish are not vegetarians, because this kind of plant is a favored and tasty food for fish. It should be indicated that the maintenance situations of this plant are very straightforward.
Analyzing some appropriate aquarium plants
In the above part, we have separated the kinds of plants that are proper for the aquarium and gave samples for each category remarked. In this part, we will concisely talk about aquarium plants. These plants are:
- Moneywort
- Cryptocoryne Balance
- Cryptocoryne Beckettii
- Hornwort
- Java fern
- African water fern
- Rotala Rotendifalia
1) Money wort
The scientific name of this plant is Bacopa Monnieri. It needs an average level of protection. Moneywort has a green color and grows up to 12 inches on average. It grows horizontally until it gets to the water’s surface. If not pruned, it will bring its branches out of the water. This plant can be easily hurt due to fluctuations in water temperature and will degenerate rapidly if the water temperature is not stable.
2) Cryptocoryne Balance
This plant belongs to the Araceae family. It needs average light levels. Its color is green and brown. This plant with its pleasing appearance and narrow green patterned leaves is an excellent extension to any aquarium. This plant is found in southern Thailand. It is remarkable that Balansea plants grow in an environment affluent in nitrate, phosphate, iron and carbon dioxide, and calcium.
Additionally, if these plants have a suitable light, they will have a spotted green color and some of them will bloom due to fine water and light situations.
3) Cryptocoryne Beckettii
This appealing plant is originally from Sri Lanka. This plant does not require much protection, but if it is exposed to too much light it may destroy. Its maximum size is between 4-6 inches. Its leaves are dark brown with purple color. Similar to many other cryptocurrencies, the color and shape of the leaves depend greatly on the environmental situation of the aquarium. Warmer water and brighter light can both play vital roles in the appearance of this kind of aquarium plant.
This plant grows gradually. If you tend to make it grow more quickly, you can affix a little carbon dioxide to it.
4) Horn Wort
The scientific title of this plant is Ceratophyllum demursum. This plant is not formidable to preserve. The maximum size of this adorable plant is 24 inches. It has a dark green color. Hornwort is one of the most uncomplicated and the most comfortable aquarium plants to grow. This aquarium plant is very durable and grows comparatively quickly. Hornwort may be a little troublesome in nature because it totally defeats rivers.
5) Java fern
The scientific title of this plant is Microsorum Pteropus. Java fern is another aquarium plant that is excellent for sticking to stones and wood. This plant grows somewhat slowly but will grow well after installation. This plant is local to some parts of Southeast Asia. It was first explained by the Dutch-German botanist Karl Ludwig Bloom in 1833. It grows typically along rivers and freshwater rivers in Thailand, Malaysia, India, and China. Java ferns are generally used in cichlid aquariums with plentiful wood and stones. It is engaging to know that most fish do not eat Java ferns.
6) African Water Fern
The scientific name of this plant is Bolbitis Heudelotii, the African water fern is known by frequent titles. This plant grows more quickly in tropical climates and encloses itself to rough stones or pieces of wood. In another word, it uses its roots to enclose itself to water.
Never attempt to plant roots at the bottom of the aquarium, as they will rot and smash. Fix them to a stone. These types of plants are appropriate for aquariums, but grow very slowly.
7) Rotala Rotendifalia
protecting and keeping conditions of this plant are very comfortable and uncomplicated. This plant has star-like leaves and shiny green stems. This plant grows effortlessly with a little light. Find out the pink parts grow by adding a small quantity of carbon dioxide and iron.
Aside from the aesthetic side that these aquarium plants bring, we should also contemplate the advantages of adding a plant to the aquarium. The plants stated in this article have comparatively carefree positions, which will be very fruitful for apprentices. Also, they can preserve living creatures well by realizing these points. In addition, aquarium plants make a healthy and appealing environment for both themselves and aquatics. We hope that by reading this article you got a useful comprehension of the most widely utilized plants in the aquarium. You can easily order and send flowers and plants to Iran with the help of this link.
Sources: AllpondSolutions