impacts of music on plants

We are always listening to a song that we like to listen to while working or relaxing during the day. Listening to music has almost become a routine and pleasant activity for most people. Most restaurants or shops utilize the trick of playing music in the work environment to gain clients. The impacts of music on plants are so enormous that can even play a role in the growth process of plants. In recent years, many scientists have done significant research on the effect of music on plant growth. Right now, in this article, we intend to see how much of this can be actual and how does it affect plants. Stay with us to read this article to utilize the latest processes for the greater growth of your plants.

Do plants feel like humans?

It is obvious and inevitable that music can have several impacts on plants. At first, we intend to discuss a little about this, so you can completely realize the following. If you read the book “Secret Life of Plants” by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird in 1970, it has some appealing content on this subject. In this book, he writes that plants, in addition to feeling, also have a high level of instincts and conception. Scientists did a lot of tests to confirm the professionalism of Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird. They contributed all possible experiments, from talking to plants to playing music for them. In the end, the scientists refused the contents written in the book.

Currently, 50 years later, there is no convincing scientific evidence to confirm this. From this, it can be seen that plants necessitate cleverness scientifically to have feelings. Actually, at least one of their organs must have a nervous system in order to be capable to hypothesize about it. You may be amazed how music can impact plant growth, given the scientific reason for the subject. I have to notify you that plants apply tools to recognize alternation in the surrounding environment. They may even have a more interesting experience than the sense we get when we listen to music.

Plant techniques for reacting to external factors

As we described above, plants necessitate nervous systems and cleverness to have emotions and sense; However, in the lack of this organ in them, how can they be exposed to external factors. They are alive organisms that react to external factors utilizing two techniques named tension and tendency to react to external factors. Flowers and plants can also feel the water, light and sunshine, and gravity. Additionally,  they send waves to other plants to alert them of potential dangers. We can also test the impacts of music on plants through this matter. In the following, we intend to debate these two techniques.

impacts of music on plants

1) Tension

The technique of reacting to external factors “tension” is more quickly than the tendency technique, so that you can observe it at the moment. For instance, in the study of the venomous plant Venus, a plant that places into a group of carnivorous plants; We observe how it prepares conditions for catching insects. Actually, as soon as the insect sits on it and stimulates the plant villi, it turns the insect into a tasty victim. The activity of this plant in order to keep on its life is a fantastic example of plants reacting to external factors through stress.

2) Tendency

To have more efficient comprehension, this kind of plant reacts to environmental situations; Assume your friend says that the leaves of the plant are shedding and have withered, this is due to plant alternations in reaction to the plant’s “tendency”. The reasons for these alternations in the plant are related to the amount of sunshine and water. For instance, if the ficus lirata plant does not receive sufficient sunshine, the plant has not received its food. Actually, sunshine is contemplated as a main food for the plant. At this time, the plant feels insecure and loses its previous leaves to last, and is pressed to focus on growing new leaves.

The impact of music on plants and flowers

The beneficial effect that music has on the growth and health of plants is incredible, and this consequence has been achieved based on different researches and studies. An Indian botanist conducted different tests in 1962 to discover the relationship between music and plants. He finally discovered that when plants are put in an environment where music is played, their usual growth rate increases by about 20 percent. The same person tests the same trick for agricultural goods in later years and again saw similar consequences.

Chloride greenhouse gardeners played rock music in the greenhouse to discover the impacts of music on plants in terms of its type. This music disintegrated and spoiled the plants in a few weeks. The next series subjected the plants to classical music. Contrary to the previous consequence, they discovered that the plants looked fresher and more unpolluted than before.

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Generally, we know, waves spread in the environment and vibrate the mites in space. Finally, this sound of music is examined as signals in your brain and makes you hear the sound of music smoothly. In plants, almost the same happens, only flowers and plants can feel the vibrations reflected by the sound, but they are not capable to hear it. In 2017, the University of Australia presented the hypothesis of whether plants have the capability to distinguish sound; After carrying out research, they found that flowers and plants could simply feel the vibrating sounds of water flowing through pipes or soil and leading their roots toward it.

What type of music has a positive impact on the plants?

Dr. Dominicohs of the University of Melbourne believes that plants like the energy that music brings to them. In fact, that is why they grow more quickly. However, not every kind of music has a beneficial effect, the things that have a beneficial effect on the growth of flowers and plants are:

1) Music with waves of 115 to 250 Hz bring the energy and freshness of the plant because music with these kinds of waves is like the sound of nature.

2) Everyone’s choice to utilize this trick is jazz or classical type, but the significant tip is that plants should not be subjected to the vibrations of the sound of the song for more than 1 to 3 hours.

The impact of music on the movement of protoplasm in plants

Protoplasm is a clear substance that flows through living creatures. According to the impacts of music on plants, when the sound of music is played in the environment, the vibrations created by it can have a big impact on increasing the speed of movement of the protoplasm. When the flow rate of this substance is increased, the total performance of the plant organs enhances. As a consequence, it increases the production of nourishing and the health of the plant. Of course, not all kinds of vibrations have the same impact, and various wavelengths have various impacts on the plant. For instance, because rock music makes louder sounds and more vibration, it causes the plant to ruin within a few days

To get an obvious perception of this issue, visualize the impact of a light breeze and a powerful wind on the plant. It is obvious that high winds will demolish the plant. Researchers at the University of California, San Diego, have recognized another reason for the beneficial impact of music on plants.

impacts of music on plants

The effect of our conversation with plants

In the schools of the United Arab Emirates, research with the same title was carried out. Fortunately, it demonstrated positive consequences. Besides the impacts of music on plants, when you acclaim and love your plant during the day, the plant will grow more quickly than before in a few days. Instead, if you do not take care of the plant or if they hear suffering and offending words, it will steadily destroy. Actually, your loving conversation sounds like classical music. Your offends, like rock music, also put anxiety on the plant.


As you can see, plants are fragile and sensitive creatures that react rapidly to external factors. At the beginning of this article, we discussed the emotions of the plant. Then we mentioned why, although the plant does not sense like humans, it is still impacted by music. Then we called two appropriate kinds of music for greater plant growth. Furthermore, we debated their impacts on the movement of protoplasm in plant organs. Regarding that, our conversation has the same impact on flowers and plants as music; At the end, we referred to this a little. Thank you for staying with us to the end of the article, and we wish you take care of your plant more carefully by reading it. You can order and send flowers and plants to Iran by clicking here.

Sources: Pistils Nursery


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